About me





Thank you for visiting playcashflow.com

I hope you enjoy the resources I present to you.



One day in my life a had a bad experience, getting fired as my results had been to good. What's wrong with this? I started my own journey to understand what happened to me.


The Answer: Globalization, the end of the industrial age and the transition to the information age.


What happend was that I followed rules that are no longer valid.

Got to school get good grades, work hard so you earn more money and get promoted.


Neither school, government nor employers teach you the new rules.


There is only one rule today: work smart, know yourself and use your leverage.


During that journey, I met many people, visited a lot of workshops, retreats, seminars and read a lot of books about money, making money, coaching, leadership, management and businesses.


With this website I compiled a lot of resources that helped me to get ahead.


Today I am a sucessful enterpreneur. Using my leverage to create the life I want to live.

I am living in germany and english is not my mothertoung.


Enjoy building your leaverage.

To your success.

Frank Bieniek



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